I’m drowning

Sometimes I get scared
and I don’t know why
but I want you to embrace me
and tell me it’s alright.

Because I trust you
more than I believe in myself
maybe because you become an anchor
when I’m crying for help.

Just don’t ever let me go
or the pieces joining me will shatter
tell me I am important
because I feel like I don’t matter.

I need you to praise me
and tell me what I am worth
because my mind is in chaos
and I feel like a curse.

Please don’t say anything
that will bring me down
because in this cruel sea
you’re the reason I haven’t yet drowned.

I’m not drowning. I think?

Poetry book: Curing My Venom
Read it for free on booksprout (limited time)

Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

11 thoughts on “I’m drowning

      1. Yesss! Finding Nemo reference, “when life gets you down… you know what you gotta do?” …..”just keep swimming…. just keep swimming…. swimming… swimming”

        Liked by 2 people

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